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49 people display in Microsoft Teams

Displaying 9 people in Microsoft Teams has recently become available! This feature had been announced for a long time and received a lot of media attention. From this announcement it was clear that 49 people display will also be possible later.

This article is out of date. You can now see more people thanks to Together mode in Microsoft Teams. Activation read here.

Activation is automatic

You don't have to do anything to use the 3Γ—3 view. (To see all participants )

Also later when the 49 participants feature comes it will be automatically made available.

Starting when you are with 7 people in the conversation you will see that the display adjusts as the participants increase.

With 49 people call?

You will soon be able to video call with 49. This announcement from Microsoft product managers says it will be possible to video call with more than 3Γ—3 call. Reference.


39,000 people voted to see more than 4 people in a Microsoft Teams meeting.

Anyone who has an Office 365 account can give up to 5 votes per year per person to Microsoft UserVoice.

You could vote for this feature at this link. Perhaps there will be a new uservoice to display 40 people or more, as in Zoom.

See also the announcement via Microsoft Teams Twitter.

Snagging people to keep seeing them

People who speak automatically come to the forefront.

You can also pin your colleagues or customers in the global view. Press right on their picture and then pin.

As in Zoom

In zoom you can see everyone clearly. (up to 40 people)

Hopefully the feature to see even more people than 9 will also come to Microsoft Teams. Or the choice to determine the view yourself. 2Γ—2, 3Γ—3, 4Γ—4, 5Γ—5... anyone?

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