Activate Passwordless Authentication in 3 Steps - Microsoft 365
What is Passwordless authentication?
The Microsoft Authenticator app can be used to sign in with your Azure ADaccount without using a password . As with Windows Hello for Business, you use the Microsoft Authenticator via biometrics or a PIN. This authentication method can be used on any type of platform, including mobile, and with any app or website that integrates with Microsoft authenticator App.
1. Activation of Passwordless in Azure Active Directory
Within Microsoft Azure, you have the option to enable Passwordless authentication.
You can consult these settings via: The Azure Portal., active-directory, security, authentication methods or use the direct link to the screen below.
Press Enable, All Users. Then hit save.
2. Activate MFA for Azure or Office 365
MFA is a requirement of passwordless authentication.
How to Activate Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in Office 365
3. Set up your phone for Passwordless authentication
Open the Authenticator App
Press Enable Phone Logins
Make sure your device is registered with the organization
That's it! From now on, you can log in with your phone without having to enter your password.