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External user experience in Microsoft Teams meeting - 157-page manual

In this blog post, you can find an example of how a remote user(guest) can participate in a Microsoft Teams meeting. Microsoft teams is accessible for: Mac, iOS, Android and Windows devices.

participate through the desktop application as a remote user

Teams allows you to invite people from outside your organization, including those who do not have a Teams-license. All that is required to join a Teams-meeting is an e-mail address. Below is a snapshot of what an end user will see in their inbox once a Teams-meeting invitation has been sent.

Accepting the meeting can be done by pressing accept . (2)

Join Online Now will get you into the meeting. (3)

The user is then given 2 options:
Download the Microsoft Teams App (A) OR
Use the web application (B)

Here you can choose which is most convenient for you

Select Allow to use your microphone (5,6)

Choose a name before participating in the meeting. (7)

If you want to end the meeting press your leave. (8)

Check out Microsoft's complete virtual events playbook below! (157 pages!)

Is your organization already technically set up?

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