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How do I modify a host file on Windows 10 or Windows 11?

The host file is a file present locally on your computer, in which you associate host names with IP addresses.

A hostname is the name of a specific Web site and used by people to type it into the address bar.

Computers and operating systems communicate with each other via IP addresses. If you put a record in your hosts file you can bypass this principle and you can bypass the reference of a domain name such as 365tips.be to the ip address of the target server.

1. Open Notepad as Administrator to edit your host file

Navigate to the Windows Menu - Start - Notepad -> Run as administrator

Then press Run.

2. Open Windows hostfile as Administrator

3. hosts file location windows 10

Navigate to: c:Windows System32 Hosts

4. Adjust your host file and press save

5. Add the desired line to the hosts file - then save it

Example: Google.be


Access to C:Windows System32 hosts was denied -> Login as Administrator.

Cannot create the C:Windows System32 hosts file. Make sure that the path and file name are correct. -> Select run as administrator.

Also read Other Windows 10 or Windows 11 tips.

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