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How to update to Windows 10 21H1 or later?

Microsoft has started the automatic rollout of Windows 10's 21H1 update, or May 2021 Update. The company is making the update available to its users in stages. Users can activate the update through these three ways. In this blog, I explain how to get started.

1. Through the built-in Windows 10 update mechanism

21H1 or later updates to Windows 10 are always available by downloading them manually through Windows 10 updates. Press update in the Windows 10 search bar.

Windows update settings

Under Windows updates, select the latest update and then select update and restart.

restart required windows 10 update

2. Update Windows 10 through the Update Assistant

Browse to -> https://www.microsoft.com/nl-nl/software-download/windows10

Select: update now, open and activate this download and follow the wizard.

Windows 10 update assistant
Download W10upgrade

3. Update Windows 10 via Windows 10 installation media creator tool

Navigate to -> https://www.microsoft.com/nl-nl/software-download/windows10 -> Select download tool now.

To get started, you first need a license to install Windows 10. Then you can download and run the media creation utility.

Download Windows 10

Select media: USB flash drive, DVD or an ISO file.

Create installation media Windows 10
Language architecture
media creation tool W10

Updating and restarting

Windows 10 latest update 21H1

Via Endpoint manager

In this blog, I explain how to roll out Windows 10 updates to all Windows 10 devices.

Semi-annual channel

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