
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

🔑 How to reset or change your password in Microsoft Office 365?

Changing your password from Office 365 can be done in at least 4 different ways. In this blog, you can browse through these scenarios to adjust or change your password via reset. This as a user or IT Administrator.

1. Through Office.com reset or change your Office 365 password

Browse to: www.office.com
Login with your username & password from Office 365.

Next to the question mark at the top, select settings.
Select: change password at the bottom right.

Enter your old password.
Enter the new password 2 times.

2. Office 365 apply password reset - forgot password?

Browse to: https://portal.office.com
Select: "don't have account access?

Select work or school account.

Enter the user name. In this test environment, we will use: Info@365tips.be.
Type the letters you see on your image.

Choose the option that works for you.

Through the text message received you will receive a text message with a code. then you will be given the option to re-enter your password.

3. Using your trusted computer to reset your Office 365 password

Press start, Change account settings. Or in Windows 11, press Password in the search bar.

Select manage my account - passwords - change password

Press change password to change your password.

Enter the old and new password 2x.

4. With help from a Office 365 Administrator recover your password

Browse To: https://admin.microsoft.com/

Select users, search for the user you wish to reset. Select reset password

Select password reset, auto-generate and requirements that this user will change the password on first logon.

IT-Admins: Reset MFA for one user in Office 365?

If you buy a new phone, wish to reset the authenticator app or have any other problem with your phone after MFA activation you can re-run the MFA process.

  • Navigate to: the Azure-AD portal and press: users.
  • Select the desired user.
  • Under Authentication Methods on the left side, press: Require re-register MFA.

*Policies may also be set that do not allow users or admins to modify these settings.

What if you fail to recover your password?

If it is not possible to change your password from Office 365 then password synchronization with resyncing back to the local Active Directory will not be enabled. SSPR or Self-Service Password reset can help keep your users and password synchronization under optimal control.

Multi-Factor Authentication is a requirement for password recovery. Without MFA, there is no 2nd factor with which to easily recover. Read about MFA activation in this blog.

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