
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

Roles in Microsoft Teams: Organizer, presenter and participant.

Do you know the possibilities of the different types of roles in Microsoft Teams? You can find all possible role types in these projects below.

Change meeting roles

Before the meeting: You must have sent the meeting invitation before the meeting. In it you can select who can present.

Fact: It is important that you send the invitation directly to the user who should be able to present.

During the meeting: You can adjust the roles during the meeting by going back to the invitation and adjusting the 'who can present' under meeting options.

Roles and opportunities

Talk and share video✔️✔️✔️
Chatting with everyone✔️✔️✔️
Share Content✔️✔️
Browse yourself through a PowerPoint file shared by someone else✔️✔️✔️
Take control of someone's PowerPoint presentation✔️✔️
Mute other participants✔️✔️
Remove other participants✔️✔️
Allow people in from the lobby✔️✔️
Change roles of participants✔️✔️
Start or stop recording✔️✔️

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