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🖥️ How to share your screen with other participants in Microsoft Teams?

During a video meeting, it is convenient to share your screen. You can share a presentation in presentation mode. Or share the screen you have in front of you with everyone in a meeting.

In this blog, I explain in a simple way how to share the screen so that all other participants can join in during the meeting.

Sharing your full screen in Microsoft Teams (Desktop sharing)

Press the Share icon at the top.

The Share icon can be found at the top right along the leave button.

Select the desired screen you want to share.

Within the red frame, you see what other people can see.

How can you share your Microsoft Teams screen with computer audio?

If you want to share YouTube or other audio with a presentation activate the option below.

Stop screen sharing in Microsoft Teams

To stop screen sharing you can press this icon at the top.
Also to stop sharing the specific application.

Whiteboard screen sharing in Teams

In the sharing screen, press Whiteboard to get started and draw together.

Sharing a presentation in Microsoft Teams

There is only one way to share your screen when you start a presentation. And that is through the built-in Microsoft Teams presentation mode. Advantages for attendees or guests is that they can click through to the next or previous slide themselves.

You can find this explanation through this article.

See also

The best way to share a presentation from Microsoft Teams
Tutorial: Sharing files easily from Microsoft Teams
Sharing a OneDrive document in review mode
Sharing your Outlook calendar in Office 365
How to share files in Office 365 - 8 scenarios

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1 year ago

Hello Jasper
Ich führe meine Sitzungen seit 2.5 Jahren praktisch nur noch online. Bis jetzt hatten wir ZOOM. Da kann jeder Teilnehmer Kommentare, Skizzen, Formen auf dem geteilten Bildschirm zeichnen. Nun haben wir MS TEAMS erhalten. Folglich werden die Sitzungen damit abgehalten. Das Whiteboard hilft mir aber nicht, da ich eigentlich auf dem geteilten Bildschirm zeichnen möchte... Gibt es diese Funktion wirklich nicht oder konnte ich sie nur noch nicht finden?
Danke und Gruss

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