
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

🔑 This is the basic activation to use intune in Microsoft 365

1. Configure DNS settings to redirect devices to Microsoft Intune

Through the Microosft 365 admin center at domains, it is necessary to enable Intune and mobile device management.

Browse to: https://admin.microsoft.com -> press left at domains. Then choose the primary domain and activate the DNS settings.

enterpriseregistration -> enterpriseregistration.windows.net

enterpriseenrollment -> enterpriseenrollment.manage.microsoft.com

These settings are then out like this. They can be checked via MXToolbox.

Also read: 👪 Office 365 basic setup DNS settings + Tenant.

2. Set MDM scope to automatically allow all users to use Microsoft Intune

Browse to: https://portal.azure.com and then at Azure Active Directory press -> Mobility. (MDM and MAM) on Microsoft Intune.

From this URL, activate the MDM user scope. These settings ensure that all users can use MDM.

MDM= Mobile Device Management. Windows devices and mobile devices apply.

3. Add devices directly Endpoint manager - Azure AD Join - Administrator settings

Adding Devices In Endpoint Manager - Azure AD Or Hybrid Join

4. Windows Updates setup with Intune

Update all Windows 10 computers with Microsoft Endpoint Manager

5. Configuring Windows 10 and Windows 11 background with Intune

Set background and digest screen in Microsoft Endpoint manager

6. Package and deploy applications in Microsoft Endpoint manager

Package and deploy applications in Microsoft Endpoint manager

7. Configuring Microsoft Edge with Microsoft Intune

Configure Automatic Login + Sync In Edge With Intune

8. Configure and use Intune Company portal

Microsoft Intune Company Portal Installation - Endpoint Manager

9. How to automatically set Google as the default search engine in Microsoft Edge in Windows

How to automatically set Google as the default search engine in Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 or 11

10. Delivery optimization best-practices.

Delivery Optimization Best-Practises For Microsoft Endpoint Manager

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