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data location of my Office 365 environment

Your office 365 tenant has a place somewhere in the world on a server. But where exactly is that?

Regions is a better description than a physical location, because data shifts from server to server in this region for redundancy.

Office 365 data will always be hosted in a region for example: Western Europe, unless you are talking about special tenants such as Germany or the U.S. Government.

In this blog, I explain in advance how you can see where your tenant just sits. You often need this in the context of compliance or regulations such as AVG or GDPR.

Office 365 data data location

Browse To: https://admin.microsoft.com

Click on organization settings -> Organization profile -> Data location

As part of Microsoft's transparency principles, they publish the location where customer content is saved within Microsoft. Refer to the Online Terms of Service for more information about Microsoft's contractual commitments. Learn more at the Office 365 Trust Center

Where your Microsoft 365 customer data will be saved

More details can be found on this page https://aka.ms/wheresmydata

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