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Enable automatic Access Reviews for guest users in Microsoft Teams

With the Access Reviews for guest functionality, it is possible to automatically review guest users.

This can cause guests to have to be approved every week or month by the owners of the Teams or will be automatically removed.

When a new Teams- and Microsoft 365 group is created, Access Reviews is enabled for all groups. (B2B guest users)

Via this blog a basic activation of this feature. Super convenient to automatically clean up Microsoft Teams !

Activating through the Azure Portal

Browse to https://po rtal.azure.com - press Access Reviews.

Select Teams + Groups (preview)

Select a reviewer or several

Under reviewers, select the desired groups or individuals.

Also select the review replay below.

Group owners are often the most obvious reviewers.

Delete guests when no one answers

Policy enforcement ensures that your environment remains in perfect order in accordance with rules.

rules you can enforce after you have agreed what the consequences are.

Example: Remove guests from teams if no one answers with this configuration.

Select Create.

An introduction to Access Reviews

Test case of Access review

Approve or disapprove accesses with access reviews

The group owner is given the option to remove or admit the guest(s).

A reason can be given.

What Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Azure licenses do you need?

Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/nl-nl/azure/active-directory/governance /access-reviews-overview#license-requirements

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