Gelukkige 6de verjaardag, Microsoft Teams! 🎉 🎈

Het is vandaag 14 maart 2013. Maar liefst 6 jaar geleden was de dag waarop Microsoft Teams geboren werd en gelanceerd voor het publiek op 14 maart 2017. Over de afgelopen jaren kende Microsoft Teams een enorme groei van gebruikers. Naast geweldige technische en functionele ontwikkeling bracht dit relatief nieuwe platform mensen dichter bij mekaar. Daarom maakte we dit gedichtje.
Happy 6th Birthday Microsoft Teams!
Six years ago, a new tool was born
A way to connect, a way to transform
Microsoft Teams, we celebrate you today
On your sixth birthday, we’ve come to say:
You’ve brought us together, from far and wide
Made communication a smoother ride
With video calls and chat at our side
Distance is no longer something to hide
We’ve laughed and learned, and made progress too
Thanks to the power that lies in you
From virtual meetings to file sharing
You’ve made our work lives more caring
Six years young, and yet so wise
A platform that always aims to surprise
With new features and updates galore
We can’t wait to see what’s in store
So, here’s to you, Microsoft Teams
A happy sixth birthday, it seems
May your future be bright and your success soar
As we work and play, forevermore
Happy Birthday, Microsoft Teams