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Analyzing an e-mail message with Message Analyser - Troubleshooting

Microsoft has developed the Message Header Analyzer tool that you can use to analyze an e-mail message. In this tool, you copy the e-mail headers that are then presented clearly legible in a graphical representation.

Open Message Analyser

Navigate to: https://mha.azurewebsites.net/

Open message details

Open a message you wish to analyze.

Copy a message header via Office 365 Online

Copy and paste the full message details into the message analyzer.

This can also be done for Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Zoho, Hey, Zimbra,...

Press Analysis header

The analysis

Through this view, you are able to easily analyze a message.

For example, Spam Score. You can click on the left side on the fields to get more information from the results.

Best compare your problem emails with emails that receive well.

Anti-spam message headers in Microsoft 365
Bulk complaint level (BCL) in EOP

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