
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

The new Microsoft Project web application - Project Management

Microsoft Project uses within Office 365 the power of the cloud to help people and organizations achieve more, in a simpler way. Last year, Microsoft shared their new vision for project management, specifically designed to help teams collaborate more efficiently on projects and achieve more together. In this blog, get started quickly with Project(s)!

Animated image of a timeline being worked on in Microsoft Project.

The updated project application

Navigate to: https://project.microsoft.com
The first time you do this you will need 5-30 minutes.

Looks like you're the first one in your org to use Project! Hang on, it'll take us several minutes to get everything set up for you. We will send you an e-mail once everything is ready.

Name your project

At the top left you can name your project.
Buckets can be created via the green button, just as easy than planner.

Major advantages to Microsoft Project

Integration with PowerBI

Image of a Project task open in Power BI.

Integration into Microsoft Teams

Animated image of Project Details being opened in Microsoft Teams.

A refreshing new look!

Animated image of a timeline being worked on in Microsoft Project.

Getting started yourself?

Open Microsoft Teams.

Find project, and press add.

Create a new project and get started via:

See also blogs about: PowerShell, OneDrive, SharePoint, Intune.

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