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Skype for Business -> Microsoft Teams upgrade - Teams Only

A Teams Only user has access to all the features of Teams.

Users can retain the Skype for Business client to participate in meetings on Skype for Business hosted by users or external parties who do not yet have the latest version. An already up-to-date user can continue to communicate with other users in the organization who are still using Skype for Business by using the interoperability capabilities between Teams and Skype for Business. An upgraded user cannot initiate a Skype for Business chat, call or meeting.

Once your organization is ready for some or all users to use Teams as their only communication and collaboration tool, you can upgrade these users to Teams only mode. This means that a user's links in Outlook for call or chat will be handled by Teams . As if Microsoft Teams will become the primary communication tool instead of Skype for Business.

Upgrade to Microsoft Teams use only

Browse To: https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/
Press Teams upgrade in the left side.

Choose Teams Only - in Coexistence mode.

The behavior for end users

In this video, you will see an end user connect via Skype, then will log in and make the redirect to Microsoft Teams .

The result of Teams only mode

This is the end result if you were to open Skype. A nice view to guide users to use Microosft Teams .

This activation can help if you don't have call center, telephony, voice functionalities but users have the skype client on their computer and logged in. They are now converted to Teams!

Also read other blogs

Office 365 In Education - Setting up a Class - Starter Guide
Create and manage Microsoft Team templates through Teams Admin Center
Create a new Team using the built-in templates! (templates)
Coming soon - Microsoft Teams Public Preview
Activate Public developer preview for Microsoft Teams in iOS or Android

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3 years ago

Hi Jasper, thanks for the tips! My Admin account for Teams does not want to save the 'Teams only' mode and gives a message that the 'fields indicated in red' cannot be saved . Is there any known possible reason why Teams would not accept this setting?

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