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🤖 Dit zijn de meestgebruikte CMD commando’s voor Windows-systemen

Wat is CMD?

CMD is een acroniem voor Commando. Opdrachtprompt, of CMD, is de opdrachtregelinterpreter van Windows-besturingssystemen. Het is vergelijkbaar met Command.com dat wordt gebruikt in DOS genaamd “MS-DOS Prompt”.

Opdrachtprompt maakt gebruik van de opdrachtregelinterface om met de gebruiker te communiceren. In het Windows-besturingssysteem wordt deze opdrachtpromptinterface geïmplementeerd via de Win32-console.

In deze blog kan je de meestgebruikte en populaire CMD commando’s voor Windows-systemen terugvinden.

CMD opstarten in Windows

De gebruiker kan de interface openen via de opdracht CMD run of door naar de oorspronkelijke locatie C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe te gaan.

Of je kan drukken op Windowstoets+R en vervolgens CMD indrukken.

De meestgebruikte CMD-commando’s

callcalls a batch file from another one
cdchange directory
clsclear screen
cmdstart command prompt
colorchange console color
dateshow/set date
dirlist directory content
echotext output
exitexits the command prompt or a batch file
findfind files
hostnamedisplay host name
pausepauses the execution of a batch file and shows a message
runasstart a program as another user
shutdownshutdown the computer
sortsort the screen output
startstart an own window to execute a program or command
taskkillterminate a process or a application
tasklistdisplay applications and related tasks
timedisplay/edit the system time
timeoutwait any time
titleset title for prompt
verdisplay operating system version
w32tmsetting time synchronisation/time server/time zone

Netwerk CMD commands

ftptransfer files to a FTP server
ftypedisplay file type and mapping
getmacdisplay MAC address
ipconfigdisplay IP network settings
netshconfigure/control/display network components
netstatdisplay TCP/IP connections and status
nslookupquery the DNS
pathpingtest the connection to a specific IP address
pingpings the network
routedisplay network routing table, add static routes
systeminfodisplays computer-specific properties and configurations
telnetestablish Telnet connection
tftptransfer files to a TFTP server
tracerttrace routes similar to patchping

Bestanden CMD commando’s

attribdisplay file attributes
compcompare file contents
compactdisplay/change file compression
copy / xcopycopy files
diskcompcompare content of two floppy disks
diskcopycopy floppy disc to another one
erase / deldelete one or more files
expandextract files
fccopare files and display the differences
mkdircreate a new directory
movemove/rename files
renamerename files
replacereplace files
rmdir / rddelete directory
treedisplay folder structure graphically
typedisplay content of text files

Media commando’s

chkdskcheck volumes
chkntfsdisplay/change volume check at startup
defragdefragment media
diskpartvolume management
driverquerydisplay installed devices and their properties
formatformat volumes
labelchange volume name
modeconfigure interfaces/devices
mountvolassign/delete drive mountpoints
verifymonitoring whether volumes are written correctly
volshow volume description and serial numbers of the HDDs

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