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Receive notification about a colleague's status in Teams

If you want to know when someone in Teams changes their status to Available or Offline, you can add them to your list of status notifications from a previous chat or in settings.

Creating a status change notification via chat

The chat option is useful if you have recently had a one-on-one chat with the person about whom you want to receive notifications. 

  1. Select The Open Chat Conversation button Chat on the left side of the app.
  2. In your chat list, choose a one-on-one chat with the person about whom you want to receive a notification.
  3. Select Icon for more options in Microsoft Teams More options and select Notification when available icon Sign up if available.

    Notification when available in Chat
  4. If you no longer want to see a person's status, follow the previous steps and select Disabling notifications Disable notifications.

Creating a status change notification in settings

The Settings option allows you to search for someone in your organization and add them directly to your list of notifications.

  1. Select your profile image at the top right of Teams. Then select Settings button Settings > Activity button notifications to notification settings opening.
  2. Select the button Edit to the right of Persons to Open the Manage Status Notifications screen.

    Edit Person Settings button
  3. Type in The Status Notifications screen manage the name of the person about whom you want to receive a notification in the Add People search box. Select the name when it is displayed.

    Add person to status notifications
  4. To remove someone from your list of status notifications, follow the previous steps and then select the Disable button next to the name.
    Disable Status Notifications button

Source: Receive notification when someone's status changes to Teams (microsoft.com)

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