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New view in Microsoft Teams: compact chat list | Feature ID: 126428

Meet an exciting new feature of Microsoft Teams: the compact chat list. The new chat density setting allows users to collapse their chat list and see more conversations on the screen at once. This setting hides message previews, saving space and promoting efficiency and privacy. Say goodbye to a crowded screen and welcome a streamlined chat interface. The compact chat list in Microsoft Teams makes managing multiple conversations easier than ever before.

How to activate compact display in Microsoft Teams ?

At the top, press Settings and then choose General.

Then select one of the desired views. Standard, Dark, High Contrast, Comfy or Compact.

Feature ID: 126428

What's next on the roadmap?

New features arrive weekly via the new Feedback Portal (UserVoice) in the Microsoft 365 Roadmap. Evolutions and new announcements can always be accessed at: microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365.

In this Microsoft 365 roadmap you can access information about Microsoft Teams but also about: Excel, Microsoft Edge, Forms, OneDrive, Stream, Visio, Whiteboard, etc. Be sure to check out this page: Microsoft 365 Roadmap | Microsoft 365.

Microsoft 365 Roadmap Teams
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