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How to reset a Windows 11 device in Windows Autopilot thanks to Microsoft Intune

Why reset with Windows Autopilot in Intune?

Windows Autopilot can be described as an advanced set of technologies designed with the primary goal of streamlining and automating the process of deploying new Windows devices. This can be achieved without the need for any interaction from IT personnel, a concept often referred to as "zero-IT." But the power of Windows Autopilot goes beyond the initial deployment process. It also allows users to reset, restore, and more devices, all without requiring physical interaction with the device.

When setting up a Windows Autopilot environment, you should assume by default that it will be configured without the need for manual interactions from IT staff. This implies that you should be able to deploy devices without actually having to technically touch them. After all, this is the ideal picture of what an Autopilot environment should be.

In addition, in the event that problems arise with a device, you want to be able to access the device in the same way. The goal is not to identify individual problems on a single device. On the contrary, you want to put that device in the same state as all other devices in your Autopilot environment. For this reason, it is advisable to use the reset function from time to time. If a particular device repeatedly gives you problems, you don't want to spend your time trying to figure out how it all went wrong. By simply using the reset function, you can quickly get the device operational again and in line with the rest of your devices.

Preparing for Windows Autopilot

But first, a Windows Autopilot demo environment.

Open your device management console

Browse To: https://devicemanagement.microsoft.com

Click Devices - All Devices - find your device you want to reset.

Performing Autopilot Reset in Microsoft Intune

At the top, click Autopilot Reset

Your device will automatically reboot and reset after 45 minutes.

The user receives one notification to notify him.

What about documents, software and data?

Documents & data are almost always saved on OneDrive. If users forget this and they work with desktop, favorites and other personal folders outside of OneDrive, the option exists to include these in a backup as well.

All software packages will be automatically reinstalled when a computer will be reset.

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