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This is the best URL Shortener for Teams - MSTeams.link

In the world of digital collaboration and communication, sharing long URLs is often inconvenient. Fortunately, there are URL shorteners that solve this problem. While there is currently no official URL shortener specifically for Microsoft Teams , below is an alternative solutions, which I use most often.

MSTeams.link: The Convenient Option

MSTeams.link is an external URL shortener designed specifically for Microsoft Teams. Here are some advantages of using MSTeams.link:

  • Short Links: MSTeams.link lets you convert long Teams-meeting URLs into compact links of only 12 characters. This makes sharing invitations much easier.
  • QR codes: In addition to the short link, MSTeams.link also generates a QR code. Participants can scan this code to quickly access the Teamsmeeting.
  • Click statistics: You can see how often the shortened link is clicked. This is useful for measuring engagement with your Teams event.
  • Fast and Reliable: When a person clicks on the short link, he or she is redirected directly to the Teams meeting.

How does it work?

  1. Paste the full Teams meeting URL into the MSTeams.link platform.
  2. Click "Validate" to generate the shortened link.

Note: Although MSTeams.link is not an official Microsoft tool, it provides a convenient solution for sharing Teams links.

Is there a good Microsoft solution?

For now, if the Microsoft Feedback Portal is to be believed, a solution is not coming soon. This status has remained at open for several months. Still, it would be better that no third parties simply have influence or insight between the URL that scans or passes and the absolute URL. So pay attention!


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