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Apply default templates to SharePoint Online  - Template chooser

Discover the modern experiences of Microsoft SharePoint with SharePoint templates. Use the SharePoint lookbook and integrated provisioning service to find inspiring examples of communication sites and team sites that can be built and activated in minutes for any organization.

SharePoint lookbook: SharePoint lookbook (microsoft.com)

This blog post belongs to the Microsoft SharePoint training series

#1: Preparing for a SharePoint test environment, how to create a Office 365 tenant ?
#2 Tutorial: How to create a communication site in sharepoint online ?
#3 Integrate a SharePointsite in Microsoft Teams tab as start page
#4 Apply default templates to SharePoint Online - Template chooser
#5 How To Move Or Copy Files In SharePoint Or Microsoft Teams

1. Navigate to the desired SharePoint Site

Press this icon at the top.

Select a chosen template from Microsoft

Navigate to site templates at the top.

Choose a matching template for example: Employee onboarding.

Your template has been applied!

Below you can see that menus and webparts have been adjusted to achieve an optimal site that meets the needs. Colors, the header, navigation and footer can be easily modified within this template using the same menu.

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