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💬 What's new in Microsoft Teams: Mention everyone in a chat conversation

"Similar to how users @ mention individuals in chat, users can now also 'Anyone' @ mention.

All participants in the conversation will receive notification, eliminating the need to call everyone's name one by one or miss someone.

How to tag everyone in a chat conversation in Microsoft Teams?

Press @everyone and the pop-up below will appear. Click it and press send.

What's next on the roadmap?

New features arrive weekly via the new Feedback Portal (UserVoice) in the Microsoft 365 Roadmap. Evolutions and new announcements can always be accessed at: microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365.

In this Microsoft 365 roadmap you can access information about Microsoft Teams but also about: Excel, Microsoft Edge, Forms, OneDrive, Stream, Visio, Whiteboard, etc. Be sure to check out this page: Microsoft 365 Roadmap | Microsoft 365.

Microsoft 365 Roadmap Teams

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