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⚡️ Microsoft Teams gets major performance improvements from March 2023

Microsoft will soon release a new version of Microsoft Teams rebuilt from the ground up. Some tests of this new Teams-client within Microsoft are circulating on twitter, with plans to release a new version for Microsoft Teams-users in March 2023.

Microsoft Teams 2.0 or 2.1, as it is known internally at Microsoft, has undergone years of development. The app should use 50% less memory, be less taxing on the CPU and provide longer battery life for laptops.

Technologically, this new app brings Microsoft Teams from Electron to Microsoft's Edge Webview2 technology. Microsoft has also switched to React, a Javascript library, which will provide further UI improvements for Teams in the coming months.

Microsoft releases faster Teams application

How can you activate the new Microsoft Teams version?

For now, the new Microsoft Teams is only available in Windows. At the top, you can select in the bar to switch as indicated in this image.

The improvements would mean that Teams opens much faster or feels more responsive when giving presentations in a meeting or answering messages. The new Teams app should address many of the criticisms and complaints about Teams 's performance, especially on older computers and those with general low hardware specifications.

We are especially curious how Microsoft will handle it on non-Microsoft systems because WebView2 does not work on macOS or Linux.

365tips is looking for experiences from Teams 2.0 or 2.1 - Write your opinion or experience at the bottom of this article.

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