
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

Is Microsoft Teams down? - Check the Health Status on an outage!

Microsoft Teams sometimes experiences outages that prevent users from taking full advantage of this application.

When is there an outage? Where can you find the right information? What is the best thing to do when there is an outage? You can read about that in this blog.

Microsoft 365 Service health status

At https://stat us.office365.com you can always find the most recent overview of each Office 365 outage.

This page redirects to your own tenant - important because not every tenant has the same problem.

Direct link: https://portal.office.com/adminportal/home?#/servicehealth

Microsoft 365 Status on Twitter

Direct link: https://twitter.com/msft365status

Microsoft Service health for consumers

Direct link: https://portal.office.com/service status

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