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How to create a Office 365 mailbox in a hybrid exchange configuration?

You can use these instructions to create a mailbox from Exchange On-Premise in Office 365 Online.

You can create a user mailbox here.

1. Requirements

2. Create a remote mailbox via PowerShell

Create an AD user as a test.
Or use an existing user account.

Open Exchange Management Shell and run this command:

Enable-remotemailbox remotetest -PrimarySmtpAddress remotetest@365tips.be -RemoteRoutingAddress remotetest@365tips.onmicrosoft.com

3. start a Azure AD Sync

This can be done at: https://365tips.be /how-how-to-start-a-azure-ad-sync/

Your Remotemail box has been created!

4. give the user the necessary license

This can be done manually but also automatically with a dynamic or static group. https://365tips.be /2020/01/16/how-to-add-office-365-licenses-to-personas

4. give the user the necessary license

This can be done manually but also automatically with a dynamic or static group. https://365tips.be /2020/01/16/how-to-add-office-365-licenses-to-personas

5. Want to convert the mailbox to a shared mailbox?

At https://outlook.office.com/ecp/ you can click on the mailbox and convert it to a shared mailbox.

That's it ! you have now created a remote mailbox in Office 365!

Why a remote mailbox?

This leaves a recipient "behind" with a base in the Exchange On-premise. Useful for modifying multiple objects simultaneously with a script.

For mailbox management you have Active-Directory for mailflow you need a hybrid mailbox. It makes sense that you then also have a hybrid-exchange .

Read more reasons why a hybrid Exchange environment here.

Also read: Tutorial: Adding Email alias in Office 365, Exchange or Active-Directory

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