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πŸ§‘πŸΎβ€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸΌ Assign the role of co-organizer in a Microsoft Teams meetings

Organizers can share control by assigning the "Co-organizer" role to people they invite to their meeting.

Co-organizers have almost all features as the organizer. Meeting management, startup,...

How can you activate the co-organizer role in a Microsoft teams meeting?

First, invite the desired people as participants in the meeting.

Then press: Meeting options in the Teams meeting invitation.

Select internal and external presenters as co-organizers.

Then use Meeting Options to add the necessary co-organizers to the meeting.

Only tenant-accounts can be chosen as co-organizers. This is different from the presenter role, which can be assigned to guest accounts of other Teams-tenants.

The reason is probably because co-organizers can change the roles assigned to meeting participants.

Video instructions from co-organizer in Microsoft Teams

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2 years ago

Dear Jasper,
This describes how to make someone presenter, but the headline talks about making someone co-organizer. So how do you do that?

2 years ago
Response toΒ  Jann

100%, how do we add co-organizers?

wpdiscuz Β  wpDiscuz
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