
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

📧 Use the same SMTP domain in different Microsoft 365 tenants

Organizations undergoing mergers, acquisitions, and carve-outs often need to transfer ownership of their data between Microsoft 365 tenants. This can be a complex process, as there is often a lot of data that needs to be moved and a lot of attention needs to be paid in migration and up-time.

Microsoft has been actively working since 2020 to make takeovers, acquisitions, and carve-outs easier for IT admins. Which, in turn, enable organizations to move data to future tenants faster and more securely. A strong option that will be available from February 2023.

Browse to: https://aka.ms/admin1002 for more information.

When is it possible to use an SMTP domain in 2 different tenants?

Exchange: Microsoft 365 cross-bordertenant SMTP domain sharing in now in private preview. Often, the public comes a little later preview and the full release to all tenants.

What's next on the roadmap?

New features arrive weekly via the new Feedback Portal (UserVoice) in the Microsoft 365 Roadmap. Evolutions and new announcements can always be accessed at: microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365.

In this Microsoft 365 roadmap you can access information about Microsoft Teams but also about: Excel, Microsoft Edge, Forms, OneDrive, Stream, Visio, Whiteboard, etc. Be sure to check out this page: Microsoft 365 Roadmap | Microsoft 365.

Microsoft 365 Roadmap Teams
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