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🤖 Microsoft will add ChatGPT in Azure OpenAI service

Microsoft Azure and OpenAI?

In the world of technology, Microsoft Azure is one of the most advanced and powerful cloud computing platforms available. It allows companies to move their IT infrastructure to the cloud, allowing them to be more cost-efficient and respond faster to changing market needs.

Another major player in the technology industry is OpenAI, a research company focused on the development of artificial intelligence. OpenAI has developed some of the most advanced AI technologies, such as GPT-3, a language model capable of generating human-like text.

What happens when we combine the power of Microsoft Azure with the technologies of OpenAI? The answer is a powerful combination of technologies that enable companies to develop and deploy new and innovative applications. In our blog, we will take a closer look at the opportunities that Microsoft Azure and OpenAI offer when used together, and how businesses can use these technologies to improve their operations.

What OpenAI service will Microsoft offer in Azure

The Azure OpenAI service provides REST API access to OpenAI's powerful language models, including the model series GPT-3, Codex and Embeddings.

With Microsoft's Azure OpenAI service, users have access to a number of powerful AI models, including GPT-3, Codex and Dall-E. In addition, Microsoft's own AI services are also available through Azure OpenAI, such as CoPilot, Power BI and the recently launched Microsoft Designer. These tools use AI models developed by OpenAI. Below you can find the timeline of the evolution of these models.

"ChatGPT is coming soon to the Azure OpenAI" tells Satya Nadella on Twitter

"ChatGPT is coming soon to the Azure OpenAI" Satya Nadella tells us on Twitter. A strong statement relatively soon after the extreme popularity Chat-GPT achieved in recent weeks.

Read more about Microsoft and OpenAI

Below you can find some key resources from Microsoft about Azure and OpenAI.

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