
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

How Microsoft Teams automatically cleans up through Access Review!

How many teams have you created since using Microsoft Teams ?

Are all teams created in the last few months or years still needed?

The Team below is automatically dropped. No more worries or chaos.

Or don't you dare get rid of old team?
Fear of losing data?
-> Then maybe you shouldn 't allow anyone to create teams and have IT manage it.

Do you still want to allow anyone to create Teams ? Then I would think about: DLP, Microsoft 365 Backup, document backup or current recovery options.

Automatic teams removal after 30 days is also possible. DLP on. And if someone loses a document recover it via Ediscovery.

Automatically clean up guests in Microsoft Teams?

Guests can automatically review on a weekly or monthly basis via these instructions.

Enable automatic Access Reviews for guest users Teams

Automatic deletion after 180 days

Simple, through Microsoft Azure Group Expiration. Read more.

Other Teams tips!

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