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How do you let people know if you will physically (in-person) participate to a Teams-meeting?

How do you let people know how you will participate to a Teams meeting? It is possible in Outlook to let organizers know how you will participate in the meeting; online or in-person (physically present).

Source: Brace yourselves: Hybrid work is hard. Here's how Microsoft Teams and Office 365 can help - Microsoft 365 Blog

This helps organizers prepare their meeting properly and ensure that everyone is at the (virtual) table during the meeting.

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Source: Brace yourselves: Hybrid work is hard. Here's how Microsoft Teams and Office 365 can help - Microsoft 365 Blog

Quote: Planning and understanding who will attend and how they will attend is also essential, and today we are announcing a new Outlook RSVP feature that allows people to indicate whether they will attend in person or remotely. The redesigned work hours feature allows you to add specific work schedules directly into your calendar, so others can know when and where you will be working as we adapt to more flexible work hours and locations. Source Article from https://blogs.microsoft.com/blog/2021/09/09/microsoft-and-linkedin-share-latest-data-and-innovation-for-hybrid-work/

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1 year ago

Yes how do I get access to this 🙂

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