
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

Set password expiration policies in Microsoft 365

As an administrator of an organization, you are responsible for setting password policies for users in your organization.

Setting a password policy can be complicated and confusing! In this article, I provide some recommendations to better secure your organization against attacks where password plays a major role.

First of all, activate multi-factor Authentication

Regardless, you have a good policy of changing the password every 30, 90 or 180 days. Still, it is better to activate MFA. You can read all about it in this blog!

Activate a policy for passwords in Office 365

If you do not set a password policy, and have synchronized users from the local Active Directory then this policy is active.

Browse To: https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal

Select Settings -> Org Settings -> Password Expiration Policy -> Set user passwords to expire....

Select how many days before the password expires.
Also select how much time users should receive a notification to reset the password.

Also read!

How to Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in Office 365
Reset or modify password in Office 365?
Users can report 'This wasn't me' on unwanted login attempt
Enable Azure Active Directory Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR)
Block all outgoing email with policies

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