
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

Update all Windows 10 computers with Microsoft Endpoint Manager

Windows updates without Microsoft EndPoint manager or Intune is complex. Without monitoring, it is nearly impossible to check daily or weekly updates and be sure your entire Windows 10 park is up-to-date.

Go through the blog below, activate Windows updates and see the results!


Create a demo tenant how-to-create-an-office-365-tenant-before-testing

Add a Microsoft 365 E5 License to your test user. (this can be done in trial) Office-365-testing-in-a-demo-environment-in-3-steps/

Build a Windows Autopilot demo environment in 60 minutes

Login to the administrator portal

You can log in at https://devicemanagement.microsoft.com or the new URL: http://endpoint.microsoft.com/

Navigate to device management

Click on Windows 10 update rings

Creates an update ring profile

Click on Create Profile

Configure your update ring as follows

Distribute to all devices

Choose the quality update period

15 days after the quality update comes out it will be installed at the earliest.

Minimal impact during business hours

Put the organization's active hours.

At this time, an update will never be forced.

Activate this policy on all devices

Don't make exceptions, that's just where insecurity begins. Policy = for everyone.

All Devices is easy. This will also apply as devices are added.

Also read 20 other Intune blogs. Or 100+ Microsoft teams tips!

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