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πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ¨ Hotkeys for Paint in Windows πŸ–Œ

Hotkeys allow you to quickly use functions in Microsoft Paint without having to use the mouse and keyboard. In this blog you can find all the keyboard shortcuts in Paint.

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These are the keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Paint & Paint 3D

F11Display an image full screen
F12Save the image as a new file
Ctrl+ASelect the whole image
Ctrl+BFormat selected text in bold
Ctrl+CCopying a selection to the Clipboard
Ctrl+ETo open the Properties dialog box
Ctrl+GShow or hide grid lines
Ctrl+IFormat the selected text in italics
Ctrl+NCreating a new image
Ctrl+OTo open an existing image
Ctrl+PPrinting an image
Ctrl+RDisplaying or hiding the ruler
Ctrl+SSave changes to an image
Ctrl+UUnderlining the selected text
Ctrl+VPaste a selection from the Clipboard
Ctrl+WOpening the Resize and Slope dialog box
Ctrl+XCutting a selection
Ctrl+YMaking a change again
Ctrl+ZUndoing a change
Ctrl+plus sign (+)Widen the brush, line or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl+min mark (-)Narrow the brush, line or shape outline by one pixel
Ctrl+Page UpZoom in
Ctrl+Page DownZoom out
Alt+F4Closing an image and its Paint window
Right arrowMove the selection or active shape one pixel to the right
Arrow-leftMove the selection or active shape one pixel to the left
Down arrowMove the selection or active shape down one pixel
Up arrowMove the selection or active shape up one pixel
Shift+F10To display the context menu

Shortcut keys for Paint 3D

Key combinationAction
CTRL+0 or numeric keypad0Reset zoom percentage
Ctrl+3Switching to other view
Ctrl+ASelect all 3D items in workspace; repeat command to switch and select all 2D items
Ctrl+BFormat selected text in bold
Ctrl+CCopying the selected item
Ctrl+InsertCopying the selected item
Ctrl+Shift+CCapturing a screen capture
Ctrl+EDisplay canvas properties
Ctrl+Shift+EHiding or displaying 3D perspective
Ctrl+GΒ Grouping objects
Ctrl+Shift+GCancel grouping of objects
ISwitch on pipette
Ctrl+IFormat the selected text in italics
MTo minimize or expand the side menu
Ctrl+NCreating a new image or file
Ctrl + OOpening an existing image or file
Ctrl + PPrinting in 2D
Ctrl + SSave
Ctrl + Shift + SSave As
Ctrl + UUnderlining the selected text
Ctrl+VΒ Paste selected item
Shift+InsertPaste selected item
Ctrl+WCanvas selection
Ctrl+Shift+WShow or hide canvas
Ctrl+XΒ Cut selected item
Shift + DeleteCut selected item
Ctrl+Shift+X2D cropping
Ctrl+YΒ To redo an action
Ctrl+ZUndoing an action
EscapeStop or exit the current task
HomeReset display
PgUpZoom in
Ctrl+PgUpZoom in
PgDnZoom out
Ctrl+PgDnZoom out
Ctrl+mouse wheelZoom in or out
Ctrl+LeftLeft turn
Ctrl+RightRight turn
Ctrl+UpTurning up
Ctrl+DownTurn down
Alt+LeftSlide to the left
Alt+RightSlide to the right
Alt+UpSlide up
Alt+DownΒ Sliding down
Ctrl+min (-) or [Reduce brush size
Ctrl+plus sign (+) or ]Increase brush size
Right arrowMove selection or active shape one pixel to the right
Arrow-leftMove selection or active shape one pixel to the left
Down arrowMove selection or active shape one pixel down
Up arrowMove selection or active shape up one pixel
Alt+F4program close
F6Scrolling through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10Activating the menu bar in the app
Shift+F10To display the context menu
F11Display image on full screen
F12Save image as a new file

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