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🔗 Microsoft's new 'Live Share in Teams' enables interactive remote collaboration

Microsoft will offer a new remote collaboration technology that allows users to communicate simultaneously in applications during a Microsoft Teamsmeetings.

The new development, called Live Share, was presented at the Build developer conference. Examples given at the conference ranged from shared control over video playback in Teams to joint annotation and editing of 3D models.

Microsoft's goal is to move beyond screen sharing during Teams-meeting to provide a better a valuable user experience and a higher user experience.

Watch a demo of Live Share in Microsoft Teams

Live Share SDK is in Public Developer Preview

The Live Share SDK is currently only available in Public Developer Preview. You must be part of the public Developer Preview for Microsoft Teams to use the Live Share SDK.

Adobe's Frame.io, Accenture, Hexagon, Skillsoft, MakeCode, Parabol, and Breakthru have already started using the Live Share SDK.

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