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Activate and use "Channel Calendar" manual in Microsoft Teams

Calendar access to all events in one channel calendar from Microsoft Teams.

All members, except guests, can add events to the calendar and view event details.

This new capability can help centralize activities in Microsoft Teams rather than Microsoft Outlook, or other solutions.

Activate channel calendar?

Search for "channel calendar" at the top of the search bar.

Open the channel calendar by clicking on it.

Or via TABS -> Channel Calendar

Add the channel calendar

Press "add in a Team" - to add the calendar.

Look up the preferred Team

Choose among all Teams where you wish to create an agenda.

Give the calendar a unique name

Give the new calendar a unique name.

Choose whether you wish to notify everyone.

Your calendar has been created!

Easily set new tasks and rules that everyone on your team can access. (except guests)

Tasks are always managed by the original creator

Tasks are managed by the create and can only be modified by the administrator. Just like in Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Teams.

The kindler

The creator has rights to modify calendar items.

In this image, you can see the customization option.

A test participant

A member of the team cannot edit calendar tasks. You can see this in the image below.

The task will be displayed in the project. In this case, "Project X"

Reflection in Microsoft Outlook

In Microsoft Outlook, tasks are viewable by default. Without a single manipulation, they are displayed. As if created by the own user via Teams or Outlook.

Making adjustments to the channel calendar via Microsoft Outlook

Through Microsoft Outlook, you can easily make adjustments without opening Microsoft Teams .

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3 years ago

in dutch it is canal agenda, in a word

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