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🔒 Set background and digest screen in Microsoft Endpoint manager

Setting backgrounds or lock screens (lockscreens) on all Windows 10 computers is easy thanks to Microsoft Endpoint manager. In this blog, a simple explanation to provide all computers with their own background.

Browse To the Endpoint manager console

Navigate to endpoint.microsoft.com

Select Create Profile -> Templates -> Device Restrictions

Configuring a lockscreen

Press create.

Choose a name for your configuration profile.

Place an image online on, for example: a web hosting, Azure Blob or alternative location.

Configure Windows 10 desktop background

Through personalization, you can upload a background in the same way as a lockscreen.

Copy the URL of the image and then press next.

Need background ideas? You can check out more background ideas here.

You can use these images by copying the image link. For example: https://i2.wp.com/365tips.be /wp-content/uploads/2020/12/andreas-dress-g1sFedxPfdw-unsplash-scaled .jpg

Assign configuration policies to users or computers

Through the next step it is possible to assign policies to groups of people or computers. Here choose a group of computers or all computers.

Press create at the bottom.

The results

Lockscreen configuration profile:

Background configuration profile:

Also read

Reset a Windows 10 device with Windows Autopilot
Update all Windows 10 computers with Microsoft Endpoint Manager
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2 years ago

This dosent work on windows 10 pro, instead you need to use a powerhsell script. For some reason microsoft decide that this will only work on Enterprise and Edu editions. :/

2 years ago
Response to  Daniel

Sabes en donde encontrar algún ejemplo sobre este script?

2 years ago

Buenos dias, excelente el post! pero queria consultar si saben como hacer la modificacion del ajuste de fondo de pantalla, tengo varios equipos donde el fondo de ve como mosaico y necesitaria ponerlo en expandido o en centrado alguno sabrá como hacerlo?

2 years ago

If you wanted to update your lock screen in the future, would you place a new image in the same location with the same name or would you place an image with a different file name there and update your Locked screen picture URL with the new name?

1 year ago
Response to  Robert


No encuentro el script sera posible lo puedas compartir

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