
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

🛠️ How to restore non saved Word  or Excel documents?

When you have computer problems Microsoft Excel or Word often stops working. This then results in the loss of files. One of the most important tips is to always store your files on Onedrive for consumers (free) or OneDrive for Business. If you store files on OneDrive, your computer automatically updates to the Cloud each time you make a change.

This article tells you how to restore files that are not on OneDrive. They are on your computer.

Search for Word backup files in explorer

Names of backup files from Word have the extension ".wbk". If you have selected the "backup copy" option in Word, there may be a backup copy of the file.

To check if this option is enabled, go to: File>Options>Advanced, scroll down to the Save section and select: Always back up.

If you have a Microsoft 365 subscription, check these two folder locations for a backup file:

  • C:\Users<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word
  • C:\Users<UserName>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles

To find the backup copy of the file, select Start. Then press .wbk in the search box and then press Enter. With this search query, you can find all the backup files for Microsoft Word.

Restore files via Microsoft Word, PowerPoint or Excel

Start Microsoft Word and then choose Open, at the bottom of the Recent tab choose: Recover Unsaved Documents.

Recover unsaved documents Word

You can also do this at Microsoft PowerPoint.

Recover unsaved documents Powerpoint

Or At Microsoft Excel.

Recover unsaved documents Excel

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