
The best Microsoft 365 tips on the web

From UserVoice to Microsoft's Feedback Portal

Microsoft discontinues UserVoice and launches new feedback portal. Source.

UserVoice was a platform offered by Microsoft on which users could request new features. These new features or enhancements were incorporated by Microsoft's product managers.

Recently, Microsoft said goodbye to the old UserVoice platform. All old items have been transferred and created in the revamped Feedback Portal. Take a look via this blog.

Where can you find the new feedback portal?

Navigate to: https://feedbackportal.microsoft.com

How can I submit feedback to Microsoft in the future?

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2 years ago

When I try to go to the feedback portal, I get this when logged in. "Your access to this website has been restricted." Has Microsoft really limited access to this tool, or am I doing something wrong?

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